Timeline for Removal of Dead Landscaping Announced by BOD
After consulting with landscaping professionals, listening to the concerns of residents, and considering the availability of replacement landscaping the BOD has established a timeline for residents to remove all landscaping due to the winter storms in February.
All dead landscaping must be removed by the end of May. Violations will be issued in June and daily fines of $10 will begin in July until which time the dead landscaping has been removed.
The association encourages residents to replace lost landscaping but understands that demand is high, and availability is low and that the hot summer months are not an ideal time to plant new landscaping. Residents may revisit options to replant lost landscaping in the fall. The association’s priority at this time is for residents to remove all dead landscaping from their yards in a timely fashion.
If you receive a violation and wish to appeal, please plan to attend the next monthly BOD meeting to bring your concerns to the BOD. Residents should be prepared to provide sufficient evidence as to the likelihood of the landscaping in question thriving in the future. The burden of proof in each case falls to the resident.
The City of Highland Village collects yard waste each Monday. Please review the following guidelines before placing yard waste at the curb for pick-up:
- Yard waste should be placed at your curb in biodegradable brown kraft bags.
- You can place up to 20 bags at the curb for pickup.
- Yard waste is defined as lawn, grass, or shrubbery cuttings or clippings and dry leaf rakings, small tree branches (not to exceed 4-feet in length), bushes, shrubs, green leaf cuttings, fruits or other matter usually created by refuse in the care of lawns and yards.
- Exceptions are large branches, trees, bulky or non-combustible materials that are not manageable by a single worker on the back of the truck. To dispose of these items, please call CWD at 972-392-9300 to schedule pick up of larger branches or trees for an additional cost.
- Yard waste in non-biodegradable containers such as garbage bags will not be picked up as yard waste but rather left at your curb to be picked up on your regular solid waste collection day and will be considered bulk waste that will be hauled to the landfill for disposal.
- All trees, shrubs and brush trimmings must be cut, tied with biodegradable twine and placed in bundles and set out without obstructing the sidewalk.
- Individual bundles should weigh no more than 50 lbs. and be no longer than 4-feet.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and for helping to keep Castlewood such a great place to live!
Kind Regards,
Castlewood Board of Directors